Thursday, March 27, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

News From Montreal

I have a friend who just got back from a weekend in Montreal and brings with him a weather report from the great white north. Get psyched!

SNOW SNOW SNOW! That's right. The great Canadian city of Montreal is under at least 6 feet of snow right now! (~2M for you Canuckfags) And it's cold. Like, windchill frostbite cold.

Meanwile in New York, we bitch because our low temperature for the entire week is 32 degrees. Yes. I know that's cold by our standards, but let's try to keep it in perspective here.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Sunset Walks

I got out of work early today, so I took the train back to Brooklyn and embarked on the longest walk of my life (so far.) I made it all the way down to the tip of Red Hook, saw the new Ikea, and passed by this huge plant nursery (Chelsea Garden Center). Obviously SOME people are planting already, so feel free to take my previous frost warnings as me erring on the side of caution.

As I was walking back to civilization (because, honestly, Red Hook? You = BFE) the temperature took a bit of a dive. Expect tonight to be brisk! I'm heading back out again around 10 and plan on layering it up tonight.

Update from Manhattan

I can't believe it's still snowing in some places! There's a big old snow front sweeping across the Great Lakes right now. Apparently this 'clipper' system, as it's called, will have no impact on the already flooded region. But if you ask me, I say it's sort of insult to injury.

When all is said and done, expect a nice dusting of snow to accumulate from Illinois to Central Penn. Photo courtesy of NASA.

Oh, btw. I'm new here. I also live in Brooklyn but work in Manhattan. I was brought on-board for some geographic diversity. Expect late breaking weather news from The West to come from this bureau.

This weekend should be kind of kick ass. I mean, considering you probably don't live in the Midwest. This last explosion of snow(?) is due to fizzle out before it has a chance to touch us on the Eastern Seaboard. Expect a lot of outdoor time. Spring jackets all around.

As much as it may FEEL like Summer is on the way, I've been holding out on planting things in my garden so far, and I would advise the same for anyone else until at least April 1st. I know. I know. But keep an eye on those forecasted lows. Annuals can get freezer burn!

Winter coats

48 degrees is freezing. Lets come to that agreement. I'm just plain cold. Unfortunately, I am also officially over wearing sweaters and sweatshirts. I'm just done with it. Sweaters are boring me. I will not wear another sweater until an evening in the summer when I am sitting on a rooftop drinking wine and I have a chill because I was in the sun all day. Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day in Brooklyn though, so watch out Williamsburg.

In other news, the South/Midwest is rainy. Its like a serious rain situation. The flood levels are rising and the weather channel is showing pictures of submerged houses and rooftops. People are salvaging valuables and its becoming a tragedy. It always floods there though. I say thank god you got that flood insurance and call it a day. The rain isn't supposed to stop anytime soon. Oh, and apparently the snowcaps are melting on the mountains (mountains in Missouri?) which is contributing to the wetness. Its just a huge hot mess.

Whats also hot:
Trader Joes
Turning down promotions

Whats not:
China v. Tibet
Italian Food
The Knees

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Sprung

I must have started writing this blog post, my first blog post, about 5 times. I just kept getting really stressed out that it was my first post and that I needed to say something about it being my first post and I couldn't figure out what that was. I was and I am still really hung up on that. Okay. This is my first post.

This is also the first day of spring! This is a great day to begin this mighty blog. Well maybe not mighty, but certainly the little blog that could. I want Meteorblogogist to be the source for all things weather and life. And like, the intersection of those two things.

For example, today is super windy. Oh, I live in Brooklyn by the way. I'm struggling with the fact that this blog may be irrelevant to everyone living outside of Brooklyn, since you now know this is a weather blog. I'm going to work on that. I might cover international weather. But I'll probably only pick the places in the world that I sort of like or am interested in. So sorry to all the potential readers in like, Madrid and HELLO Tel Aviv!

Anyway its really windy today. The temp is quite pleasant, but you have to wear a sweatshirt. And the sweatshirt needs to have a hood because your hair will get all tossed around otherwise. Not that I really care about that stuff generally, but it was annoying today in the mega-wind.

I think blogs are supposed to be concise. So I'll end here for today. Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day, like 50 degrees (Fahrenheit- sorry Liverpool readers, I can't convert Fahrenheit to Celsius). I usually don't advocate for people who say 50 degrees is warm...but I am trying to be less polarizing since this is my first post.