Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring Sprung

I must have started writing this blog post, my first blog post, about 5 times. I just kept getting really stressed out that it was my first post and that I needed to say something about it being my first post and I couldn't figure out what that was. I was and I am still really hung up on that. Okay. This is my first post.

This is also the first day of spring! This is a great day to begin this mighty blog. Well maybe not mighty, but certainly the little blog that could. I want Meteorblogogist to be the source for all things weather and life. And like, the intersection of those two things.

For example, today is super windy. Oh, I live in Brooklyn by the way. I'm struggling with the fact that this blog may be irrelevant to everyone living outside of Brooklyn, since you now know this is a weather blog. I'm going to work on that. I might cover international weather. But I'll probably only pick the places in the world that I sort of like or am interested in. So sorry to all the potential readers in like, Madrid and HELLO Tel Aviv!

Anyway its really windy today. The temp is quite pleasant, but you have to wear a sweatshirt. And the sweatshirt needs to have a hood because your hair will get all tossed around otherwise. Not that I really care about that stuff generally, but it was annoying today in the mega-wind.

I think blogs are supposed to be concise. So I'll end here for today. Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day, like 50 degrees (Fahrenheit- sorry Liverpool readers, I can't convert Fahrenheit to Celsius). I usually don't advocate for people who say 50 degrees is warm...but I am trying to be less polarizing since this is my first post.

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